Fri 18 Oct, 7:30pm - 10pm
Learn how you can support this meaningful cause

Help yourself and others stay strong in the silver years!

Sat 3 Aug, 10am to 12pm
Venue: Chapel for All Peoples
Speaker: Mylene Lee

6 weeks, 7-9pm, North Transept Hall
( 19 Jul , 16, 30 Aug , 6, 13, 20 Sept )

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Develop strong foundations for a lasting marriage.

The Diocese of Singapore

A 2-year campaign showcasing each of the 27 parishes.

Learn about our baptism and confirmation courses here.

A church-wide effort to care for members

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Learn about our Christian Education courses

Building up every child towards spiritual maturity.

Fri, 26 Jul 2024
7.14 pm at Prayer Halls

Explore life & faith in a safe and friendly environment.

Alternate Saturdays
15 Jun–30 Nov, 2:30-4:30pm

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