St Andrew's Cathedral Home runs a residential home for older women and provides services to the underserved.
Currently, the Home provides for the physical, spiritual, emotional and well-being of the residents. Attention is paid to the physical environment and care the residents receive; the range of activities they can participate in; the interaction they continue to have with the larger community - friends and relatives, church, neighbourhood and the experience of God’s love and provision. It is a home where the residents can call their own.
Our LegacySt Andrew’s Cathedral helps individuals with financial difficulties through its welfare committee. In the late seventies, this committee recognized the needs of Singapore’s greying population and the need for the Cathedral to make provisions for elderly members who have no family to care and support them. The lesson in the Gospel made it compelling for such a response. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus painted a vivid scene of a loving and caring individual going to the rescue of a needy stranger, ministering to him and arranging for his accommodation and care. Jesus added to his story the command to “Go and do likewise.” Thus, the Home opened its doors on 11 Oct 1980.
The Home consists of three dormitories, a sitting cum dining room, and a recreational hall. It is able to accommodate 24 female residents.
Throughout the year, individual members of St Andrew’s Cathedral, schools, other churches, and organizations visit the residents. These volunteers also organize activities and outings for the residents.
The staff consists of a full-time supervisor, an admin and programme executive, nursing aides, and a cook.
Who Do We Serve?Ambulant older women who are destitute and/or have an accommodation problem can apply. We welcome those with families to discuss their problems with us and each will be treated on a case to case basis.
Blk 341 Clementi Ave 5, #01-148 (Opp Clementi Community Centre)
For further information, please contact us at:
Tel: 6777 0665
For feedback, please contact us at:
- St Andrew’s Cathedral Home has been approved as an Institution of Public Character (IPC). All outright donations are eligible for 2.5 times tax deduction
- PayNow (UEN): S85CC0155K.
Please key in your name and full NRIC/FIN/UEN for tax-deductible donations - Bank Transfer: DBS 033-010993-8.
Please key in your name and full NRIC/FIN/UEN for tax-deductible donations - If you are unable or missed out providing your details for tax deduction, or if you would like a tax receipt, please email us at
- Privacy Statement and Consent to Use Personal Data
By providing your personal data to St Andrew’s Cathedral Home (SAC Home), you give consent to SAC Home’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal data (and/or the personal data of any person on whose behalf you are validly acting for or authorised to provide consent) for SAC Home’s activities, programs and administration purposes in accordance with our Personal Data Protection Policy. SAC Home respects your personal data and privacy, and will only use and disclose your personal data in accordance with the legal requirements. For more information about SAC Home’s Personal Data Protection Policy, please click here to find out more or email