Christian Education is the Bible-based, Holy Spirit-empowered Teaching-Learning process, through which the church community is taught and equipped to grow in the knowledge and love of God, and be discipled to obey His commandments and His ways.
The purpose is to present everyone mature in Christ (Col 1:28; Eph 4:13) so that God is glorified in every aspect of the Christian's life. It encompasses more than Bible Knowledge as it is a wholistic education of the individual that includes Christian Living and Christian Spirituality.
In 2023, the rhythm of studies/equipping entails the following:
Day |
Courses |
Tues (night) |
Thurs (night) |
Sat (morning) |
SAC Leader’s Equipping / Training courses |
Sun (afternoon) |
SAC Membership courses (Baptism-confirmation) |
View the Programme for 2023
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9-11 Sept, Fri-Sun via Zoom
Register here
Registration Closed
Fee: $20
Register by 5 Sep 2022
Limited to 20 participants
The Contemplative Prayer Retreat is a tailor-made retreat for personal time out, away from the hustle and bustle of life, in order to be alone with God. The time of silence and solitude is so that we can listen in to hear for ourselves, the God who dwells among us.
This retreat is a Beginners’ 3-day Teaching Retreat. Basic biblical teachings regarding Meditation, Prayer and Contemplation will be taught each day. A typical day begins with Morning Chapel, followed by personal reflection time in the morning and afternoon. The day will end with a corporate time of Recollection before bed. Retreat will conclude with Corporate Reflection and Communion.
Spiritual Directors
Revd Simon Tan and his wife, Rinda are co-founders of Listening Inn. Revd Simon Tan is an ordained minister (1991) and an Associate Pastor (from 1991 to 2008) with his home church, World Revival Prayer Fellowship. Before his theological training, Simon was a missionary with Operation Mobilization (OM) for seven years; for five of those years, he was in Latin America onboard the gospel ship, MV Doulos.
Both graduated from Bible College of New Zealand (renamed as Laidlaw College) in 1990. They have been giving contemplative prayer retreats since early 1991. Simon and Rinda are trained and experienced spiritual directors (1998). They work closely with Spiritual Growth Ministries of New Zealand, providing onsite supervision for those undergoing Spiritual Directors’ Training Program. They are also trained and certified (from USA) as Midlife Direction Consultants, equipped to offer midlife direction workshops and retreats.

Register by 21 Aug
Baptism Courses : For Children / For Youth / Adults
Baptism Course For Youth / Adults
Baptism is one of the most significant milestones in a believer’s walk with God. It is a public declaration of our faith in Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 2:38) and is administered in obedience to the Lord’s instruction (Matt 28:19).
Confirmation Course
Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptised and your intention to live a life of committed discipleship. This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming Bishop. The Church also prays for you to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, to live in the way of Jesus.
The Cathedral Confirmation-Membership Course is for:
- Those seeking confirmation / membership in St Andrew’s Cathedral.
- Those baptised and currently attending church services regularly at St Andrew’s Cathedral for at least 6 months.
Note: If you were baptised before 14 years old, you are required to attend the Baptism course before you join the Confirmation-membership course. This will cover the foundations of life as a Christian. After completion of the course, you will not be required to go through the rite of baptism again but may proceed straight to the Confirmation course.
All lessons, Baptism Service, Confirmation Retreat and Confirmation Service will be conducted onsite.
The details of the Courses are as follows:
Sundays, 27 Aug, 3, 10 & 24 Sep
(4 lessons) 2pm - 4.30pm
FOR YOUTHS (aged 14 and above)
Saturdays 2, 9, 16 & 23 Sep
(4 lessons) 1pm - 3pm
Baptism Service: Sat 7 Oct, 5.30pm Service
Sundays 8, 15, 22, 29 Oct
(4 lessons) 2pm - 4.30pm
FOR YOUTHS (aged 14 and above)
Saturdays 30 Sep, 14, 21 & 28 Oct
(4 lessons) 1pm - 3pm
Confirmation Retreat: Sat 4 Nov, 1pm-5pm
Confirmation Service: Sat 18 Nov, 4pm Service
- All lessons are compulsory.
- Due to ongoing social distancing and number restrictions, registration is based on a first come- first served basis.
- Dates and conditions for conducting these courses and services are subject to prevailing government advisory on COVID-19 safe management measures.
Children and Youth (up to the age of 20) |
Infant / Child Baptism (0-13 years old) |
Youth Baptism (14–20 years old) |
Adults (21 and above) |
Adult Baptism (21 years & above) |
- Course Requirements for Baptism - Confirmation Course (Youth & Adult)
- Full Attendance required
- Confirmation Retreat (compulsory)
- Pastoral Time/Ministry (1-2 hours)
- Sponsors (optional; though beneficial to have 1 or 2 – at least one has to be a confirmed member from SAC)
2nd Run
6 Thurs, 7-9.30pm, 19 Oct - 23 Nov
Venue: Onsite at SAC: 19 Oct, 23 Nov;
Online via Zoom: 26 Oct, 2, 9, 16 Nov
Course fee: $100 per couple
(Payable upon registration)
Register here
Registration opens 18 Aug 2023
Registration closes 8 Apr or when all places are taken
For enquiries, please email to mpc@cathedral.org.sg
The St Andrew’s Cathedral Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) is designed to help couples develop strong foundations for a healthy and lasting marriage.
This two-part course consists of six sessions of teaching, couple-discussion time and small group discussions and at least two mentoring sessions led by marriage mentor couples. Topics covered include:
- A Biblical Perspective on Marriage
- Communication
- Conflict
- Commitment
- Connection
- Adventure
Requirements :
This course is designed for wedding couples-to-be, where at least one party is a confirmed member of, and worships regularly at, St Andrew’s Cathedral (“Cathedral”).
A couple may apply to solemnise their marriage at Cathedral if both parties are baptised Christians, either single or widowed, 21 years of age and above, and the couple have not registered their marriage with the Registry of Marriages. Find out more about Getting Married at the Cathedral.
On-site: Jun 1 & Jul 27, 7pm-9.30pm, SAC
Online: Jun 15 - Jul 20, 7.45pm-10pm
Fee: $80 per couple (course pack & meals)
Register here
Closing date: 25 May
Registration has closed
Invest in your relationship and grow closer to each other as you explore important topics such as understanding each other's needs, communicating better, resolving conflict, and addressing past hurt.
Learn to strengthen your marriage with video talks and couple conversations.
The course will be held onsite and online.
Open to married couples residing in Singapore.

7 Saturdays, 15 Jul-26 Aug
10am-12pm at SAC
Facilitator: Revd Soon Soo Kee
Course Fee: S$30 (incl. book purchase)
Limited to 12 participants only
Register here
Closing date: 1st July
Registration has closed
For enquiries, please email to sacce@cathedral.org.sg
Who do you say I am?
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven” (Mt 16:15,16).
Many of us go through life unsure of our true identity. From young we have been influenced by how others see us or expect us to be or how we like to be. God however has created us with our own identity. Our God-given identity is a sacred identity unique to ourselves and it is through this identity that we are to live our life to the fullest on earth. The book, The Gift of Being Yourself by David Benner seeks to help us on a journey of self-discovery to know our true self as God created us to be. The book helps us to identify the obstacles and how to overcome them in our journey of self-discovery.
Facilitator’s Profile
Rev Soon has spent the last 46 years since his ordination in the pastoral ministry in a number of parishes in the Diocese of Singapore. He finds it a great joy to help believers develop a deeper and richer relationship with Christ and to grow in living out their authentic self given to them by God. He believes that God intends our life to blossom spiritually and emotionally so that we can be a witness to the incarnate presence of Christ in our community..