The NextGen Ministry brings together the Children Ministry, Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry with the aim of building up every child towards spiritual maturity as they grow from a toddler into adulthood.

Read our newsletter!

Children Ministry Programme
(3 – 12 years)

The Children Ministry welcomes children from 3 to 12 years old to join their programme.

Register here

Day / Time
Preschool - Pri 6
Sat - 4.45pm
Classrooms B2
FaithKids 1
Preschool - Pri 6
Sun - 9.30am
Prayer Halls B1
Classrooms B2
FaithKids 2
Preschool - Pri 6
Sun - 11.15am
NT Hall Nave L2

There is no Children ministry every 4th weekend of the month.

Shalom Friends
(13 – 25 years)

Shalom Friends reaches out to youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Due to the nature of the ministry, Shalom Friends will cater for youths up to 25 years old.

Day / Time
Shalom Friends
Sat - 2pm
There is no session every last Saturday of the month.
Prayer Halls B1

Register here

Youth Ministry
(13 – 25 years)

Youths are encouraged to join the youth service and youth cell groups meeting on Sundays. All youths aged 13 and 14 years old will attend the Metamorphosis programme.

Metamorphosis (Meta for short) is a transitionary programme aimed at Sec 1s and 2s to help guide them through their transition by providing strong biblical foundations and a place to build spiritual communities! Meta will be held on the first 3 Sundays of every month from 10.45am to 12.15pm and Youth Service will follow after from 2pm to 3.30pm.

Day / Time
Youth Service
Sun - 2pm
First 3 Sundays of the month.
NT Hall Nave
Sun - 10:45am
First 3 Sundays of the month.
Classroom A & Prayer Hall C

Register here


Young Adult Ministry
(21 – 35 years)

The Young Adult ministry meets once every quarter for programmes e.g. talks, forums, workshops etc. The goal is to foster deeper friendships and strengthen faith-life integration.

Special events will also be organised to encourage young adults to serve the needy and reach the lost.

Serve with the NextGen Ministry

If it is your desire and prayer to see the next generation becoming disciples passionately committed to Christ, please consider joining our team of workers for one or more of the ministries below:

  1. Children Ministry (For children aged 3-12 years)
  2. Shalom Friends (For youths aged 13-25 years with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD))
  3. Metamorphosis (For teens aged 13 & 14 years)

Register your interest to serve with the NextGen Ministry!

To find out more about the NextGen Ministry, contact