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Baptism Courses : For Children  /  For Youths / Adults

Baptism-Confirmation Course  Youths / Adults
Baptism is one of the most significant milestones in a believer’s walk with God. It is a public declaration of our faith in Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 2:38) and is administered in obedience to the Lord’s instruction (Matt 28:19).

Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptised and your intention to live a life of committed discipleship. This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming Bishop. The Church also prays for you to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, to live in the way of Jesus.

The Cathedral Confirmation-Membership Course is for:

  • Those seeking confirmation / membership in St Andrew’s Cathedral.
  • Those baptised and currently attending church services regularly at St Andrew’s Cathedral for at least 6 months.

Note:  If you were baptised before 14 years old, you are required to attend the Baptism course before you join the Confirmation-membership course. This will cover the foundations of life as a Christian. After completion of the course, you will not be required to go through the rite of baptism again but may proceed straight to the Confirmation course.

All lessons, Baptism Service, Confirmation Retreat and Confirmation Service will be conducted onsite.

Baptism-Confirmation Course

2025 1st Intake

Lesson dates
Adults and Youths
Baptism: 22, 29 Mar, 5, 12 Apr;
Confirmation: 3, 10, 17 and 24 May
8 Saturdays, 1.30pm - 4pm

Baptism Service
26 Apr, Saturday
4.45pm Service

Confirmation Retreat
31 May, Saturday

Confirmation Service
8 Jun, Sunday
4.30pm Service

Youths & Adults Combined
All lessons are compulsory.




Children and Youth (up to the age of 20)

Infant / Child Baptism (0-13 years old)
*Applicable only when at least one Parent is a confirmed member of St Andrew’s Cathedral.

  • Parents will take baptism vows on behalf of the infant/child.
  • The infant/child will be baptised together with the adult baptism group.
  • Parents will need to download and complete this application form and email it to:
  • Parents, together with the godparents, will be interviewed by a NextGen Ministry Pastor or an assigned staff.
  • Parents will be required to give an undertaking in writing, that their child will go through baptism and confirmation classes if they wish to proceed with confirmation of their child at/after the age of 14 years old. Re-baptism is not required.

Youth Baptism (14–20 years old)

  • Youth baptism-confirmation course will be conducted together with the adult baptism-confirmation course.
  • Youths will go through water baptism at the same worship service as the adult baptism group.
  • Baptised youths will proceed to the combined confirmation course with the baptised adults.

Adults (21 and above)

Adult Baptism (21 years & above)

  • Adult baptism-confirmation course will be conducted together with the youth baptism-confirmation course.
  • Baptised adults will proceed to the combined confirmation course with the baptised youths.


  1. Course Requirements for Baptism - Confirmation Course (Youth & Adult)
  • Full Attendance required
  • Confirmation Retreat (compulsory)
  • Pastoral Time/Ministry (1-2 hours)
  • Sponsors (optional; though beneficial to have 1 or 2 – at least one has to be a confirmed member from SAC)