Biblical Foundation for Marriage

The Scriptures teach us that marriage is a gift of God in creation and a means of His grace, a holy mystery in which man and woman become one flesh. It is God’s purpose that, as husband and wife give themselves to each other in love throughout their lives, they shall be united in that love as Christ is united with His Church.

Marriage is given, that husband and wife may comfort and help each other, living faithfully together in need and in plenty, in sorrow and in joy. It is given, that with delight and tenderness they may know each other in love, and, through the joy of their bodily union, may strengthen the union of their hearts and lives. It is given, that they may have children and be blessed in caring for them and bringing them up in accordance with God’s will, to His praise and glory.

In marriage, husband and wife belong to each other, and they begin a new life together in the community. It is a way of life that all should honour, and it must not be undertaken carelessly, lightly, or selfishly, but reverently, responsibly, and after serious thought.

Purpose of Wedding Policy Pastoral Note Who can get married at St Andrew’s Cathedral? Planning your Wedding Other Requirements


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