I Feel Like Part of a Big Family at Alpha!

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16 July 2018

I Feel Like Part of a Big Family at Alpha!


I grew up in a non-Christian home but my mom sent me to a Catholic Church for pre-school. I continued primary and secondary education in a convent school. I was very close to a neighbour who converted to Christianity and invited me to church. We attended early morning services, cell group, and fun meetings with church members of my young age. I stopped going to church after my neighbour moved house.

A couple of months ago, my friend jumped at the opportunity to invite me to Alpha. I guess God wanted me there so I didnʼt hesitate and agreed to it. I was nervous at first as I didnʼt know what to expect. The people in the church I used to attend were not so friendly. I thought I would face a similar situation at St Andrewʼs Cathedral. That feeling I had was totally unnecessary. Everyone at Alpha was so friendly. It felt like I have known them for years.

Before the second session started, my friend asked if I have received Christ before. Honestly, I donʼt remember if I have accepted Christ when I attended church a long time ago. But my life changed after that night after receiving Christ. Ever since the first video started, I looked forward to the next session. The videos were fascinating. In fact, there were so many illustrations that link to the Bible. Alpha helped me understand Christ so much better. The leaders were so patient and understanding when it comes to group discussions. The old me would have hurl a chair when someone asked something outrageous.

The next Alpha big thing was the weekend away. Spending the night with a member from my small group was exciting. An hour mealtime was enough to get to know a handful of people. I have made awesome friends since I joined Alpha. His words make me live through my daily life without a hassle. My journey as new Christian has just begun and I have seen many victories. There is still plenty of room for me to grow and be a better person through God’s words. The people in the Alpha small group made me feel like part of a big family. I wouldnʼt hesitate to attend Alpha again and encourage my friends to join me on this new journey!


Angelina Lim
Attended Alpha Feb-May 2018

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