A Life-changing Dinner Date

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21 June 2019

A Life-changing Dinner Date


In 2018 while I was on holiday, I received news of the sudden demise of my cousin’s husband. This made me very sad when I think of my cousin and her young children who had lost her husband and their father.  As I was overseas, I went to a nearby church to ponder about life and was asking for answers on why is life so harsh. As I sat in the church, I felt a sudden sense of comfort enveloping me and lifting my heavy heart. It made me feel very calm and peaceful.  I left the church with a sense of wonder.  

When I returned to Singapore, I was greeted with a challenges in my work and career. There was a restructuring exercise in my organization which required to lay off a number of my colleagues. This saddened and made me question why there are so much unfairness and injustice in life. I had more questions which I could not answer.  
One afternoon, I called my friend, Raj on an impulse and asked her to catch up over dinner.  She told me she had Alpha dinner at St Andrew’s Cathedral and asked if I would like to join her. I was curious about St Andrew’s Cathedral as I once stayed at of St Andrew’s Mission Hospital as a child so I decided to join Raj for the Alpha dinner.  My Alpha host, Eric made everyone at the table feel very welcome. I was also delighted to meet my ex-colleague, CH at Alpha. I enjoyed the people, the talks and the videos. I decided to continue exploring Alpha.

Joining Alpha was a wonderful journey that led me on the path to find the answers to some of my questions.  I found the discussions and sharing from the group enriching, non-intrusive and yet very nurturing.  My Alpha hosts, Eric and Woon Si were great leaders who were gentle and selfless in taking care of us in the Alpha group. I also found the sessions very interesting.  

As the weeks went by, I was drawn to God and felt that Christianity was the right path for me.  Before the end of the Alpha course, I told my mother about becoming a Christian and removing the idols from my home. My mother did not object and I felt ready to embark on my journey to follow Jesus.  I still have not found all my answers, and at times I still feel discouraged and sad. However, I do not feel as lonely as before because I know I now a Shepherd called Jesus who will always protect and guide me.  

Michelle Yeo
Attended Alpha 2018

To sign up or find out more about Alpha, please click here.

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