I Benefited So Much from Attending Alpha
I am in my sixties, having spent most of my school years in a Christian Brothers School (CBS) but never thought of becoming a Christian until two years ago.
After National Service, it was getting a job, getting married, and starting a family. The usual cycle of things for most. There was no place for spiritual consideration until late 2016. Two of my former secondary schoolmates, Poh Yong and Cheong Ming who worship at St Andrew's Cathedral suggested that I and my wife joined the upcoming Alpha Course in February 2017. We attended the Alpha Intro Dinner and found the setting welcoming and the people friendly. Yes, the food served was delicious! We attended all the Alpha Sessions including the Alpha Weekend where we accepted Christ as our Saviour.
I would attribute the following benefits as the result of attending Alpha :-
1. An opportunity to learn about the Christian faith in an interesting, non-confrontational, stimulating way. The video and small group format were effective.
2. Able to ask and seek clarifications without worrying about anything.
3. Becoming more prayerful, always seeking the Lord's guidance.
4. There were feedback from friends that they noticed some changes in my behaviour for the better.

Now I see things in a more positive light. I enjoy the various Services at St Andrew’s Cathedral and the singing of hymns and praises. My wife and I are currently in a Connect Group where we discuss and share our Christian discipleship. We love to be more involved in church activities in the near future.
Lye Khuen Way
Attended Alpha in 2017
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