grace so amazing

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1 October 2014

grace so amazing

On May 29, 2013, my dad contracted a serious illness and had to be admitted to a hospital. On my way to visit him in the hospital, the Lord was right by my side and I felt His perfect peace wash over me. I knew that God was in control of the situation.

As far as I can remember, my dad had never been warded in a hospital. I prayed for healing and restoration for him but my prime concern was that he had not yet known Jesus as his Savior, even though I had interceded for him over the years. I began to pray desperately for a spiritual breakthrough for my dad before his time ran out. I also prayed, using the Scriptures over the situation, believing and trusting that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

I also turned to close friends in the body of Christ and the Cathedral’s staff and clergy for their support in prayer. Miraculously, the wonderful Spirit of God moved upon my dad when he was in the hospital. My friend, Katherine, shared Christ with dad and amazingly, he was converted and received Jesus as His Savior! Unspeakable joy flooded my heart as Katherine rang me to share the incredible news. I thanked God profusely and quickly got hold of a bible for my dad.

I was just so thankful to Katherine and my prayer partners for their fervent intercession, especially my two godmothers, Pearl and Helen, who were praying behind the scenes. I also appreciated deeply the loving care that was shown to my dad by SAC’s staff. Praise the Lord, because of the love and prayers, my dad was baptized on September 14, which happens to be the Day of Atonement for the Jewish people.

We had also petitioned to God for pain-free days for dad and remarkably, he did not complain of any great pain whatsoever. Once when I visited him at home, he shared that a man clothed in white, with a smile on His face, had appeared to him. Dad was sure that the man was Jesus the Lord!

On November 25, I was to go on a mission trip to Israel – a trip that I had committed to before my dad fell ill. Though my husband had given me permission to go for the trip, I needed assurance from the Lord that He would watch over my dad while I was in Israel. The Lord clearly spoke to my spirit that my request was granted but He added that there would come a time when I would have to let go and let Him have His way. With that assurance, I left for Israel.

In Jerusalem, I went to the Wailing Wall and standing there I praised and thanked the Lord for my dad’s salvation. I returned to Singapore on December 7. The following day I attended the 8 am service and was overwhelmed with emotion by the opening hymn, which is about the city of Jerusalem.

God’s amazing grace continued to sustain my dad supernaturally and we had him with us for another month. On January 8, 2014 my dad went home to be with the Lord in the heavenly Jerusalem. He was 81.

Praise the Lord that dad is with Him and I can meet up with dad one day in heaven.

Author: Mrs. Celeste Lee (Celeste and husband, Cher Pin, worship at the 8 am Sunday Service.)

First published in The Courier, October 2014.

Photo: Celeste with her father (centre) and husband, Cher Pin.

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