God Helped Me During the Birth of My First Child

God Helped Me During the Birth of My First Child

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Serene worships with her husband, Jack at the 11:15 am Service. She is also a staff with the Cathedral finance department.




24 September 2016

God Helped Me During the Birth of My First Child

I was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks and 2 days as my baby was growing fast.

On 7 September 2016, I arrived at the delivery suite at 10.15 a.m. I was told to go to the observation ward and husbands are not allowed. We were caught off guard and in a rush, Jack passed me my iPad, scandisk and one of the many bible cards I printed.


After some monitoring, the nurse inserted the inducing pill at 11.33 a.m. I was told to stay at the observation ward for monitoring. I was really nervous and started meditating on the Bible verse on the card. It was Psalm 91:4, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart” (NIV). I was reminded how God comforted me with the same psalm when I was feeling down during my cancer treatment. That gave me comfort.

My gynaecologist came at 2.15 p.m. and realised that the pill dropped to the back of my cervix and she broke the pill and adjusted it. The contractions started almost immediately. The gynaecologist wanted to monitor me for another one-and-a-half hours before releasing me to the ward in case I needed pain relief.

I requested to go to the ward at 3.30 p.m. as I didn't want to take any pain relief and I wanted to let Jack have a place to rest. The pain level was about 4 or 5 but I told doc it was 1 or 2 so that she will release me. I managed to walk to my ward and the pain level rose to 5 but I told the nurse it was about 3. I began praying and keeping my focus on God. I meditated on Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you” (NIV).

I also claimed His promises in Psalms 34, the psalm that God gave me during my quiet time in the morning.

“I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears…

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.”
Psalm 34:4, 7,

The gynaecologist sent me back to the delivery suite at 6 p.m. for a second insertion of the inducing pill. I prayed very hard that my cervix would be dilated and there would be no need for a second pill insertion. The pain level was 6 and getting more intense. Jack went for dinner at 6.30 p.m. and the contractions just got closer every minute. I kept praying.

The doctor came at 7.18 p.m. to check for a dilation. I reckon she was not the most gentle one around. She instructed me to use the laughing gas as she checked because the pain was just too much. My water bag broke as she checked and the cervix was dilated to 4 cm.

The pain level rose to 8 or 9 after the water bag broke and it was getting more and more difficult to put my focus on God. I asked Jack to pray for me. He prayed out loud for me. I told him that I was going to give up soon. I began praying out loud asking Jesus to take over. The pain was beyond 10. Jack kept encouraging me and ask me to take the pain to Jesus. I just kept saying, "God, take over. Jesus, take over."

Just as I thought I was going to give up and ask for an epidural, a midwife came at 8.10 p.m. and asked to check for dilation. Then, she asked me to push for her and said I was ready. I prayed for my gynaecologist to come fast and she came in the next minute and helped me to deliver. Baby Joanna came out at 8.39 p.m. weighing 3.784 kg.


Both my gynaecologist and the midwife were very surprised at how quickly the whole process took. I told them it was Jesus who helped me. My gynaecologist then shared with me that she wanted to give me something to help quicken my labour and twice God stopped her and told her to just let me be. She was also supposed to be at Paya Lebar for her church prayer meeting but somehow she overslept and that's why she could reached the hospital so quickly.

I knew all these were not coincidences but everything was planned by God. I give Him all thanks and praises! All glory to Him!

Thank you all my brothers and sisters for praying alongside with me during my labour. 

Photos: Courtesy of Serene Goh

About the Author

Serene Goh Photo
Serene worships with her husband, Jack at the 11:15 am Service. She is also a staff with the Cathedral finance department.