Alpha was the Best Thing that Happened to me!

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3 July 2018

Alpha was the Best Thing that Happened to me!


I first accepted Christ at 14 years old but did not attend church or to build a relationship with God after the encounter. A life without Christ was tough as I always felt alone and that life had little meaning. I strayed so far away from God and I even renounced my relationship with Him, thinking I could live happier without Him. As a result, I’ve made mistakes in my life that hurt those who loved me in the process. Despite having a loving family and friends that stood by me, there was still a void in my heart. Emptiness and hopelessness in life was probably the best description of how life was without Christ.

Alpha was the best thing that happened to me in 2017. I heard about Alpha from my cousin, Tina who was attending St Andrew’s Cathedral. She encouraged me to sign up as I was asking her difficult questions about God on many separate occasions. There were questions I had like, ‘How and did God really make this Universe?’, ‘Is the big bang theory true?’ and ‘Why is there pain and suffering in this world if there is a God?’

Alpha is spread out over 11 weeks including a weekend away. Every session starts off with a scrumptious meal prepared by lovely cooks, followed by watching a well-directed video covering broad topics like, ‘Who is Jesus’, ‘Why did Jesus Die’ and ‘Who is the Holy Spirit’. The session ends off with your group discussions about the topic. I remember on the first day of Alpha, I was nervous but as I continued attending, my confidence grew to speak up and ask questions. It was a safe and welcoming place to discover more about Christianity.


In retrospect, I am thankful for God’s hand in bringing me back to Christ and for my dear cousin who gently nudged me to attend Alpha. It was through the incredible experience that I found true meaning and joy in life, in Christ.  Since then, I have grown as a Christian through the deeper knowledge acquired. I got baptized, confirmed and am now part of a connect group. God has been so good to me! Through Alpha, I have found my answers and I hope you reading this would come and encourage someone to join this upcoming Alpha to experience God’s love like I did. Alpha is for everyone, young or old, I strongly encourage you to give it a try! 

Alethea Goh
Attended Alpha 2017

To sign up or find out more about Alpha, please click here.

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