2019 Celebration of Hope

Major plans are in progress for this exciting event. Momentum has been building since Christian leaders from across the island began seeking the Lord in prayer. They are united in sensing that God desires to bring healing to His Church and to Singapore by the proclamation of the Hope that we have in Jesus, and for the Church in Singapore to be a light to the nations and the Antioch of Asia.
Leading this initiative are the leaders of the National Council of Churches (NCCS) and the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore (EFOS). Chairing the Steering Committee is our own Diocesan Bishop, Bishop Rennis Ponniah. Assisting him are Dr Lawrence Chia (EFOS) as co-chairman; Revd Tony Teo (CEFC) as Executive Secretary; Revd Lewis Lew (DOS) as Assistant Executive Secretary; and other Christian leaders representing the different denominations.
These leaders intend for it to be more than just another event that will take place in two years’ time. Rather, they see it as a journey, a process, that will require spiritual preparations, earnest prayers, and bold proclamation of Christ, by every person in our congregations, from children to the elderly. The journey begins now through our churches and Christians in the marketplace, and will culminate when the Church in Singapore comes together at the National Stadium on 17 to 19 May 2019 for three days of Christian rallies to proclaim the One Name that brings life in all its fullness.
“This is not about mass evangelism, but rather it is personal evangelism on a mass scale,” said Bishop Rennis. “God is calling us to respond with holiness as followers of Christ; with humility through prayer and with hunger for precious souls.”
He explained that this call of God is based on the instructive spiritual pattern from Isaiah 59:20-60:3. The passage teaches us that Revival begins with Repentance from deep within our hearts that leads to Restoration of our covenant relationship with God (holiness); which in turn leads to the Radiance of God’s glory in and through His Church. The result is people drawn to God through Christ and the whole land touched and healed by the shining light of Christ (2 Chronicles 7:14; Zechariah 8:23).
The track for 2019 Celebration of Hope:
2017: Year of Preparation
2018: Year of Prayer
2019: Year of Proclamation
2020: Year of Discipleship
“When I think about the 2015 Jubilee Day of Prayer, I know that only God could have filled the stadium with 50,000 believers united in prayer and worship. The next thing for us to do, following Acts, is to proclaim joyfully and responsibly the Good News of what God in His great love has done for everyone through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,” said Bishop Rennis.

The latest development in the planning of this event is its success in securing the National Stadium as the event venue. Bishop Rennis rejoiced, “It is an amazing provision of God that Sports Hub has accepted our booking. The churches are presently seeking to raise the full payment for the stadium to secure the booking. What is crucial is that all churches in Singapore begin to equip and mobilise the entire body of Christ in Singapore to responsibly and joyfully reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ to bless our nation and reap a mighty harvest of souls. Pastors in this city of destiny are trusting God for a harvest of souls, a harvest of holiness and a harvest of new workers for God’s kingdom."