Vicar Writes


24 Jul 2016

In my first year here as Vicar, I have met many of you who have shared with me your aspirations for our Cathedral. The staff has also been praying and reflecting on the vision and values which guide our work and ministry. I sum up some of these thoughts below. 

A Home in the City

A place where members and guests love to visit - may it be for prayer, Bible study or to meet with friends. A clean and welcoming place with benches, tables and chairs, a well-kept garden and multilingual signage. Being welcoming is more than just about the facilities. As members of St Andrew’s, we seek to be warm and friendly to all. We appreciate feedback and will respond to enquiries. 

A Hub in the City

We seek to be good stewards of our Christian, cultural and historical heritage. Located in the civic district and among the institutions of government, the arts and history, we have opportunity to connect with our neighbours and share our heritage with all. St Andrew’s has a significant place in the history of Singapore since its founding, and we will continue to play our part in the progress of this nation. Informative boards and literature about our church presented with tours of the Cathedral, choral events, pipe organ recitals and exhibitions from time to time, will be used in this work.

A Church in the City

We have the privilege of living out our faith in the city. Drawing out the best of our Anglican heritage, we want to be a vibrant church that reaches out to a diverse and urban population – young and old, sojourners, rich and poor. Services are conducted in many languages and our ministries strive to reach people in need of the Lord. Amidst the busyness of the city, St Andrew’s is a quiet place where one can find solace and seek peace with God. 

May this vision guide us as followers of Christ at St Andrew’s.