Vicar Writes


6 Jun 2020
Keith Chua, Vicar's Warden

In preparation for the coming AGM, this is to help explain the role of our Diocesan Synod.

The Synod is a body comprising bishops, clergy and lay representatives from parishes. The Synod meets twice a year and like a “Diocesan AGM”, various diocesan functions are managed by this body. She is the decision authority for issues such as finance, governance, constitutions etc. This covers parishes, mission/deanery work, schools, medical/community services etc. She also works closely with the Bishop and the Standing Committee to support the vision of the Diocese.

Each Synod Session lasts for three years before the lay reps are elected again from the parish AGMs. The current Session ends in July.

In this new Session of Synod, there will be the appointment of Diocesan Office holders and election to Standing Committee and other Boards. Cathedral will elect 4 Lay members for the new Session. As a Synod Rep, the members can stand for election to various diocesan committees and boards.

In between Synod Sessions, the Standing Committee and Diocesan Boards meet to carry out the work.

The Cathedral has many members serving in these Boards. Here is a sample list of our lay members who are serving in the current Synod Session:

Standing Committee Keith Chua, Joseph Thambiah, Tan Kian Woo
Diocesan Registrar Charles Leong
Diocesan Treasurer Tan Kian Woo (Mandarin congregation)
Finance Board Chan Kheng Tek
Development Board Lee Chi Kuan
Missions Board Keith Chua, Joseph Thambiah
SAMH VP and Chairman of Audit Committee Andrew Goh
SACS VP Keith Chua
Provincial Standing Committee and Synod Reps Stanley Lai, Chan Kheng Tek

I trust this article is helpful even as we prayerfully elect our new Synod Reps.

Registration for AGM2020 closes Sunday, 7 June 2020, 12 pm.
More details at