Sermon Reflections

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The Sign of Immanuel   17 / 18 Dec

Isaiah 7:10-16 • Revd Christopher Chan

  • In what areas of your life might you be trusting in something other than God for salvation and fulfilment? How should this be rectified?
Await with Patience   10 / 11 Dec

James 5:7-10 • Revd Joshua Raj

    1. Has the Lord called you to wait? How have you been waiting?
    2. What makes waiting easy or difficult for you?
    3. Why do we feel inadequate and confused while waiting?

    Is there something God wants to show you about your character through this waiting?
    And is there something God wants to show you about His character through this waiting?

Abound in Hope   3 / 4 Dec

Romans 15:4-13 • Revd Daniel Lim

  • Share your own experience on how the Christian hope is different from the hope that the world or the people around us has to offer.
  • Which aspect of your life do you need to commit to the God of Hope today?
  • Who can you share the Christian hope with during this Christmas season?
Awake From Slumber   26 / 27 Nov

Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:36-44 • Revd Canon Dr Lewis Lew

In Romans 13:11-14, Paul instructs believers on how they should spend their time preparing for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The summary of the two commands is found in verse 12: “So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light.”
Ask members to share how they personally interpret the two commands and what the commands mean to them.

Verse 13 explains the darkness we are called to cast off. How can we, as a cell group, help and support each other in experiencing spiritual breakthrough and staying as the light of Christ?
Meet in a gender group (if necessary) to allow members to share confidentially and in depth. Pray and minister to one another for spiritual breakthrough.

Prayer and Partnership for the Gospel   19 / 20 Nov

Ephesians 6:18-24 • Revd Andrew Yap

  • What are some important lessons you have discovered from the book of Ephesians?
  • How important is it to “pray for the saints”? And what are some ways we can be encouraged to pray for one another, regularly?
  • What are some personal hindrances you face in sharing Christ with other people?
Ready for War: The Armour of God   12 / 13 Nov

Ephesians 6:10-18 • Revd Christopher Chan

  • How does the truth that we war not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil change your perspective of your present ‘battles’?
  • What is holding you back from seeking God on your knees and trusting him to bring a breakthrough?
Love One Another: Servants and Masters  5 / 6 Nov

Ephesians 6:5-9 • Archdeacon Wong Tak Meng

  • Who are the earthly beneficiaries whom I serve with my work?
  • How will my service look like if I did it for Christ’s pleasure?
  • Whom am I exercising authority and responsibility over?
  • How would Christ want me to treat them?
Love One Another: Children and Parents  29 / 30 Oct

Ephesians 6:1-4 • Mr Jason Wong

  • The best way to teach values is to live out the values that we want to teach. Discuss.
  • What are some ways we can honour our father and mother?
  • What is one thing I should stop or start doing to restore or strengthen the parent-child relationship (either you and one of your parents or you and one of your children)?
Love One Another: Wives and Husbands  22 / 23 Oct

Ephesians 5:22-33, Matthew 19:3-6 • Revd Canon Dr Lewis Lew

Marriage is a picture of Christ and his church — Christ, the head of the church, loved her unconditionally and gave of Himself sacrificially. Likewise, husbands are to love their wives sacrificially and unconditionally. Wives represent the church, the bride of Christ who lovingly submits to His leadership. Paul calls this a profound mystery.

In Matthew 19:3-6, Jesus speaks of the permanency of marriage, but in real life, couples do end up in divorce. Read Ephesians 5:22-33 again.

  • What are some lessons you have learned from the sermon and scripture that you think are useful to strengthen marriages?
  • Are there distinctive roles between husband and wife in marriage? List some that come to mind.
  • How can a community like SAC better support those who are married? If you are married, share some of the challenges that you may be facing.

Pray for every marriage represented in your cell group and for those who are in courtship and are working towards marriage.

For personal reading and study on divorce and remarriage, read 1 Corinthians 7:1-16.

Walk in Love as Children of Light  15 / 16 Oct

Ephesians 5:1-21 • Revd Moses Israeli

  1. Read Eph 5:1-3. Notice the contrast between the fragrance of Christ’s work on the cross and sexual immorality & greed. Why do you think Paul goes from mentioning the cross to addressing sexual sin and greed?
  2. 'It is difficult to give thanks and sin at the same time.' How is thanksgiving an appropriate replacement for the 6 behaviours Paul condemned in Eph 5:3-4?
    In a disappointing and broken world, Thanksgiving can be difficult to practice. Share your challenges.
  3. In Eph 5:11-14, Paul calls on children of the light to "take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." Is there someone's life God is nudging you to shine the light of truth into? Is there anything you are struggling with now that you would like to work on? What are some steps you can take in the following weeks to obey what God has commanded in these verses?
Love One Another: Members of One Body  8 / 9 Oct

Ephesians 4:25-32 • Revd Christopher Chan

  1. In which of the five aspects of Christian living do you need to grow the most?
  2. What practical steps can you take to grow in this area?
A New Way of Life  1 / 2 Oct

Ephesians 4:17-24 • Revd Daniel Lim

  1. In what ways do you find yourself straddling between the old way of life that is of the world and the new way of life that is in Christ?
  2. How can you prevent yourself from reverting to the old ways of life?
  3. What are some practical steps that your cell group can take to help one another walk faithfully in the new way of life?
The Church: Unity in the Body of Christ  24 / 25 Sep

Ephesians 4:1-16 • Revd Christopher Chan

  1. Do you think it’s easier for our church community to grow in unity or in holiness? Why do you say so?
  2. What gifts do you have, and how could they be used to equip and build up the church so that we will grow in maturity and Christlikeness?
Strengthened with Power through the Spirit  17 / 18 Sep

Ephesians 3:13-21 • Revd Joshua Raj

  1. Is Jesus dwelling comfortably in my heart? What do I have to give up or set right in my heart for Jesus to dwell comfortably there?
  2. Where in your life do you feel a need for God’s power? What does it mean for you to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit?
The Mystery of the Gospel Revealed  10 / 11 Sep

Ephesians 3:1-12 • Ds Ti Lian Swan

  1. What do you understand by "the mystery of the gospel revealed"? How does that shape your perception of fellow believers and the way you would relate to them?
  2. Share any insights you received about God and about the Church from Ephesians 3:10. How do you see yourself as the Church, the one new man in Christ?
The Church: Made One in Christ  3 / 4 Sep

Ephesians 2:11-22 • Revd Canon Dr Lewis Lew

To start your cell group discussion, have everyone share how they have seen God at work in their life this week.
  1. Do you see yourself as being saved into a family of fellow believers? What mindset needs to change if you want to embrace this reality?
  2. Suggest some ideas that will help to break down the silo mindsets in our church. What walls of hostility are still standing in your life (at home, at work, and in church)? How can the peace of Christ help to break down these walls of hostility?
Pray for one another using Ephesians 2:14 – “For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.”
Saved by Grace for Good Works  27 / 28 Aug

Ephesians 2:1-10 • Revd Andrew Yap

  1. Share an occasion when God’s grace and love became very real in your life? You may also share your testimony on how you became a Christian.
  2. In what ways can we respond to God’s grace in our lives - individually and as a cell group (Hebrews 10:24-25)?
Hope, Glory, and Power  20 / 21 Aug

Ephesians 1:15-23 • Revd Christopher Chan

'Experience and hope often stand in contradiction to each other.'
  1. In which areas of your life do you need to be reminded that God’s power is at work to bring about transformation and renewal?
  2. How can you be more mindful of this truth on a daily basis?
Sealed with the Holy Spirit  13 / 14 Aug

Ephesians 1:11-14 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

Paul stated that believers are sealed with the third person of the Triune God when they hear “word of truth, the gospel of their salvation” and believe in Jesus Christ (Eph 1:13-14). It is clear that God has lavished so much on those who believe in Christ, even to the point of giving the Holy Spirit as a pledge of our spiritual inheritance.
  1. Read Ephesians 1:1-14. What can we learn from the text about the nature of God our Father in the way in which He has lavished his spiritual blessings on us?
  2. Now that you know that 'for those who believe in Christ Jesus are “sealed with the Holy Spirit” (Eph 1:13)', how has that changed your perspective of your future inheritance in heaven with God? How will that change the way you live-out your Christian faith?
Blessed with Every Spiritual Blessing  6 / 7 Aug

Ephesians 1:3-10 • Revd Moses Israeli

According to Ephesians 1:1-10, we are chosen and blessed to be the children of God in Christ Jesus with every spiritual blessing to fulfil His purposes (Holiness and Unity).
  1. If we agree with Paul that we are chosen, destined and blessed to be the sons and daughters of God, what should be our attitude towards our relationship with our Father in Heaven and with one another?
  2. The Church is known to be the mystery of God according to His promises that all things in heaven and on earth will be united in Christ. What does it mean for us to be ONE in Christ?
Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians: An Overview  30 / 31 Jul

2 Ephesians 1:1-2 • Revd Christopher Chan

  1. What do you think spiritual maturity in the Church should look like?
  2. How much of this is exhibited in your own life?
The Call to Prayer  23 / 24 Jul

2 Chron. 7:11-16, Matt 6:1-14 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

  1. Read Matthew 6:5-8. What are some common mistakes we make in our prayers? What lessons can we learn from Jesus’ teaching?
  2. Why pray if God already knows our heart (Matthew 6:8)?
  3. Brother Lawrence, a Monastic Monk, said: "the practice of prayer is a discipline." How can we cultivate this discipline of prayer in our busy world? Share and commit to hold each other accountable to a regular daily prayer pattern.
The Power of Prayer  16 / 17 Jul

Daniel 6:11 • Revd James Singh

  1. The angulation of prayer. Out of 100%, what percentage would you give to the contents of your prayer?
  2. Is prayer an entitlement or is it a means to an end? If it’s neither, then what is prayer?
  3. On two occasions Jesus taught on the way one should pray; The Lord’s prayer. How should we apply the Lord’s prayer to our lives? Take into consideration your answers from points 1 and 2.
The Nature of Prayer  9 / 10 Jul

Colossians 4:2-4 • Revd Andrew Yap

  1. What motivates Christians to pray and what are some challenges Christians face in their prayer life?
  2. Share a time or experience when you felt close to God in prayer.
  3. What spiritual disciplines have helped you grow close to God or grow in your spiritual life?
Empowering the Next Generation  2 / 3 Jul

1 Corinthians 4:14-17 • Revd Daniel Lim

  1. What difference will it make if we begin to see our next generation as our own spiritual children?
  2. Are you willing to extend to your next generation the same invitation that Paul extended to his spiritual children in Corinth to imitate him?
  3. What practical steps can you take to be more involved in this process of empowering the next generation?
The Call to Full-time Ministry  25 / 26 Jun

Acts 17:16-17, Luke 5:1-11 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

  1. Read Acts chapters 16-20. Identify two or more occasions where ministry or the miracles of God took place in the marketplace. Why do you think Paul and others focus so much of their time and energy in the marketplace? What can you learn from their experiences?
  2. Share some challenges you face in being salt and light in your agora. What needs to change in order for you to effectively minister and witness for Jesus Christ?
  3. Do you have a full-time calling to serve in church or in the mission field? Share and pray for discernment. Speak to one of the pastoral staff or clergy if you need clarification.
Work as Worship  18 / 19 Jun

Acts 17:26-28 • Ps Eugene Seow

Sermon Summary:
  • To Love God is to Love Your Neighbour, and to Love Your Neighbour is to Love God (The Greatest Commandment - Matthew 22:37-40).
  • There is a God-directed and locational aspect to this Great Commandment ie., My Friend Next Door @Home @Work @Play

What Does It Take to Be a Good Neighbor?

Acts 17:26b (NIV’84) … and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.
1: What does "accepting your place in God’s plan" mean to you today?

Acts 17:27 (NIV’84) God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.
2: What are some opportunities the Lord is showing you to be a blessing to your neighbours at home, at work, or at play?

Acts 17:28 (NIV’84) ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’
3: "Jesus Sees our Faith"—what is one thing that may prevent you from going the extra mile to bless your neighbour? Share and pray. 

In the Beginning and at the End  11 / 12 Jun

Genesis 2:1-15 • Revd Christopher Chan

1. How have you been able to ‘rearrange the raw material of God’s creation to help people to thrive and flourish’ through your work? How could you do this more intentionally? 

2. Is your present vocation a place of God’s calling? If not, what work do you think he wants to assign to you? 

Filled with the Spirit  4 / 5 Jun

Eph 5:1-18, John 16:12-15 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

The Holy Spirit is active throughout Scripture and in every part of our life. The Holy Spirit was involved in the creation (Gen 1:2) and He is present at the end of Scripture (Rev 22:17), and He is involved in God’s redemptive plan (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit is in fellowship with the Father and the Son. They are co-equal and co-eternal. This triune relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is not 1+1+1=3, but 1x1x1=1 (1 God in 3 persons). The Holy Spirit is Divine, He is Eternal (Heb 9:14), He is All-Powerful (Luke 1:35), He is Omnipresent (Psalms 139:7), and He is God (Acts 5:3-4).

  • What are some reasons, you think Christians have neglected the third person of the Triune God – the Holy Spirit?
  • Do you have the desire to experience more of the Holy Spirit? Why or why not?
  • Identify one practical way in which you can live in the Holy Spirit more fully. Reflect and share in your group.
  • Pray for one another to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit  28 / 29 May

1 Cor. 12:3-11, 31 • Bp Rennis Ponniah

1. The Holy Spirit is given to make the believer a new person in the image of Christ and to lead believers into a new way of life, including life as the people of God in a local congregation. Read Gal 5:13-26. How can you “line up with the Spirit“ (Gal 5:25). What are the things the Holy Spirit is urging you to “put to death” and what are the things the Spirit wants you to "put into action.”  (*For this question, best to divide into a gender-based grouping of not more than 3 people.) 

2. The Holy Spirit also gives spiritual gifts to believers to build up the life & ministry of the church. Read 1 Cor 12:1-11. Do you have a desire to receive the filling of the Spirit and be released to exercise the gift God has in store for you? How can your small group take steps to encourage the exercising of spiritual gifts to build up the life and effective witness of your group? 

3. Only the Lord can grant an outpouring of the Spirit (Is 44:3; Ezek 37:1-14; Acts 2: 1-18). Pray in twos and threes for a mighty renewal of the Holy Spirit in your group & your church. Make this the regular cry of your heart and continue to intercede till His church is revived and His glory seen in our land. 

Who is the Holy Spirit?  21 / 22 May

Revd Moses Israeli
Sun 7.30am / 11.30am / 4.30pm
Ezek 37:1-14 ; John 14:23-29

Every Sunday, we affirm our faith in the word of the Nicene Creed. We believe that the Holy Spirit is "the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son, He is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets."

The Holy Spirit’s work is not to draw attention to the third person of the Trinity but to open us up to the Father and the Son. Augustine describes the Holy Spirit as the "bond of affection (tie of love) between the Father and the Son". This love is then poured out on us and we are drawn into the circle of love inside the Trinity. Jesus said, "If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."

1. How often do you think about the Holy Spirit? As Ezekiel obeys, so the dry bones live. Then, "How can you obey Christ through the Holy Spirit?"

2. The Holy Spirit guided the early Church both individually and collectively (as an institution — one holy catholic and apostolic Church). How does the Spirit act in the Church today?

Ds June Tan
Sat 4pm / 5.30pm / Sun 9.30am
Acts 2:1-13 ; Luke 24:45-53

1. Do you know the Holy Spirit as well as you know God the Father and Jesus the Son? How can you know the Holy Spirit better?

2. How much of the Holy Spirit do you want in your life? Are you willing to receive Him to the same measure as the disciples in Acts 2?

An Angry Prophet  14 / 15 May

Jonah 4 • Revd Daniel Lim

1. What would it mean for you to have God as the overall in charge of your life?

2. What is your response to the call of returning to the Father’s business?

A Compassionate God  7 / 8 May

Jonah 3 • Revd Christopher Chan

1. ‘God calls us to repentance out of compassion and not cruelty; through repentance we can receive his grace and experience his restoration.’ How does this encourage us in our practice of confession and repentance?

2. What kind of second chance might we need from God?

Praying from the Depths  30 Apr / 1 May

Jonah 2 • Ds Lian Swan, Ds Grace Tan

1. What have you learnt about prayer and about God from Jonah chapter 2?

2. What do you understand by the statement: "Salvation belongs to the LORD!". How can you partner God in His salvation plan for the world?

Fleeing from the Lord  23 / 24 Apr

Jonah 1 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

When God sent Jonah to Nineveh, he fled in the opposite direction. What does that tell us about Jonah’s view of the people in Nineveh? Are there people in your life who incite the same kind of feeling? If they were to show up in church this Sunday, would their presence make you flee? Take a moment to consider whether our attitude and behaviour pleases God.

Despite their unfaithfulness, God’s great love for the people of Nineveh never ceases. What have you learned about the character of God on loving the "unlovable"? How do you reconcile your response with the violent storm that God sent upon the sailors?

The Lord Has Need of It  9 / 10 Apr

Luke 19:28-40 • Revd Christopher Chan

In waiting to receive from us what is rightfully his, God willingly takes a position of weakness. He permits us to refuse; he allows himself to be ‘in need’.

1. Why do you think God chooses to do this?

2. How does this shape your understanding of the way he relates with us?

3. How could this help you to offer your ‘colt’ to him?

A Costly Offering  2 / 3 Apr

John 12:1-8 • Revd Dr Joshua Sudharman

1. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? ‘The costliness of a person’s offering to God is not something that can be judged accurately by others, only by God and the offeror themselves.’

2. Whose “calculus” (way of balancing gains and losses) tends to be more relatable to Singaporean Christians – Mary’s or Judas’ or Jesus’?

3. How does reflecting on God’s offering for us impact our willingness to offer more for Him?

A Call to Fruitfulness  19 / 20 Mar

Luke 13:1-9 ; 1 Cor. 10:1-13 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

Reflect on verses 6-9 of Luke 13 on the metaphor of the Fig Tree.

1. Was the master unreasonable for wanting to cut down the fig tree? Why or why not?

2. Who, in your opinion, is the vine-dresser? He requested a year (more time) from the master, and he was committed to cultivating the fig tree until it bore fruit. What lessons can we learn and how can we apply them to our lives?

Lost and Found  26 / 27 Mar

Luke 15:11-32 • Revd Daniel Lim

1. Who do you identify with the most – the younger or older son? What is your response to God’s invitation to be in His fatherly embrace?

2. God is committed to pursuing the lost despite who they are. How does this affect your attitude and challenge your response towards the lost?

A Call to Fruitfulness  19 / 20 Mar

Luke 13:1-9 ; 1 Cor. 10:1-13 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

Reflect on verses 6-9 of Luke 13 on the metaphor of the Fig Tree.

1. Was the master unreasonable for wanting to cut down the fig tree? Why or why not?

2. Who, in your opinion, is the vine-dresser? He requested a year (more time) from the master, and he was committed to cultivating the fig tree until it bore fruit. What lessons can we learn and how can we apply them to our lives?

A Lament over Jerusalem  12 / 13 Mar

Luke 13:31-35 • Revd Moses Israeli

As Jesus journeyed toward Jerusalem, he was warned by the Pharisees that Herod wanted to kill him. Like the prophets who were sent to Jerusalem, He too was being resisted by Herod Antipas. In Jesus’ Lament over Jerusalem, the Heart of Jesus is filled with mixed voices of courage, determination, willingness, grief, helplessness, sorrow and hope. Just as a mother hen would spare her life to protect her chicks, Jesus yearned to protect Jerusalem and her people, just as He longs to protect us too.

Reflection Questions

1. Do our hearts become like Jesus’ as we look on the needs and hear the cries of people? If yes, share one thing you will pray for and one thing you will do daily during this Lent.

2. Dare we go to our own Jerusalem (the cities and towns around us) where the cross waits for us and to embrace God’s will not only in the dramatic moments, but also in the smaller and painful ones?

The Temptation of Jesus  5 / 6 Mar
Reflection Questions
Luke 4:1-13

Revd Dr Andrew Peh
Sun 7.30am / 11.30am / 4.30pm

1. Was it necessary for Jesus to be tempted? Why or why not?

2. How may we "die to self" so that we do not fall into temptation?

Dr Mark Chan
Sat 4pm / 5.30pm / Sun 9.30am

1. When does the satisfying of our physical needs and wants, both individually and corporately, turn idolatrous and detract us from God’s Kingdom?

2. What are some manifestations of compromising ‘worship’ in the name of seeking to do the work of God’s Kingdom? 

3. When does the desire for miraculous manifestation become a sign of ostentatious spiritual showmanship rather than a sign of the inbreaking of the Kingdom of God?

The Gift of Friendship  26 / 27 Feb

1 Sam 18:1-5 • Ds Grace Tan / Ds June Tan

Reflection Questions

1. Reflect on the qualities of a true friend. Do you have someone or some friends who are like this? Share your experiences. Give thanks for each and every one of them.

2. How can you be a ‘better friend’ to your friends? How can you make new friends?

The Gift of Singleness  19 / 20 feb

1 Cor 7:25-40 • Revd Christopher Chan

Reflection Questions

1. If you are married: What practical steps can you take to share life with and support our singles?

2. If you are single: What are some blessings you enjoy as a single Christian that you can be thankful for? What are some struggles that you could share about with members of our church community so that they can better support you?

The Gift of Children  12 / 13 feb
Reflection Questions
Jeremiah 17:5-8 / Psalm 8:2 (NKJV)

Revd Victor Teo
Sun 7.30am / 11.30am / 4.30pm

1. What do you think society considers as being successful parents?

2. How similar or different is that from your definition of raising children well?

3. What does it mean to anchor the children in the Lord?

Ms Jennifer Heng
Sat 4pm / 5.30pm / Sun 9.30am

1. What is one blessing you have received through a child in your life? (This child may or may not be part of your family)

2. Read Psalm 8:2. What troubles you the most about how children are being treated or viewed? What can you do about it? 

3. Share one practical way that children can be celebrated and honoured in:
a. your family
b. your church
c. our society

The Gift of Marriage  5 / 6 feb
Reflection Questions Gen 2:18-24

Revd Daniel Lim
Sat 4pm / 5.30pm / Sun 9.30am

1. In what ways has the culture in our society today e.g. individualism, instant gratification etc. affect God’s design for marriage?

2. How does looking to Jesus help us in strengthening our relationship with our spouse or with others?

Is there much more to marriage than we sometimes think? Is it possible to rekindle love even after many years? Check out real-life testimonies, take a love quiz, and find out how you can rediscover the joys of marriage.

Revd William Chee
Sun 7.30am / 11.30am / 4.30pm

1. Discuss what the phrase in Genesis 2:18 means:
a) Is it not good for man to be alone?
b) Does helper mean someone inferior? If no, why not?

2. What can one learn through marriage about oneself, others and God?

3. How would you respond to people who say that marriage can be between any gender or can be with any number? What is the scriptural view of marriage from Genesis 1:26-28 and 2:18-24?

The Church Cares and Shares Pt. 2  29 / 30 Jan

Part 2: Missions & Evangelism
Acts 2:42-47 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

Reflection Questions

1. The Gospel is Jesus’ priority for the church. Do you agree that the last command of our Lord (Matt 28:19-20) is important and something that we must prioritise? Share what are some challenges you have faced when sharing the Gospel. Also share moments where you have led someone to pray the sinner’s prayer.

2. How will you answer someone, who feels that Christians should not impose their faith on others? What scripture references will you use?

3. Paul said, “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season” (2 Tim 4:1-2). They best way to be armed and ready with the Gospel is to practice. Practice sharing the Four Spiritual Laws with someone in your cell group. More info on the 4SL can be found here

The Church Cares and Shares Pt. 1  22 / 23 Jan

Part 1: Cell Groups
Acts 4:32-37 • Revd Christopher Chan

Reflection Questions

1. How can you be more actively involved in SAC’s community life, especially in a/your cell group?

2. If you are already part of a cell group, whom can you encourage to join you?

A Season of Renewal  15 / 16 Jan

Ezra 3:8-13 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

Renewal is needed when something has expired, worn-out, broken and needing fixing. The same goes with our spiritual life.

Reflection Questions

1. Share in your cell group, what are some hindrances that may prevent you from experiencing the full spiritual renewal of God.

2. Are you faithfully and actively exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit? What are some challenges or difficulties you face? Do you desire to see more of the works of the Holy Spirit manifested just as in the early church in Acts? Why?

3. Share God’s calling in your life. How do you intend to act on your calling today?

A Season of Reprioritising Worship  8 / 9 Jan

Ezra 2:68-3:7 • Revd Christopher Chan

Reflection Questions

1. How will the way we worship be different when we focus on pleasing God instead of ourselves?

2. What offering (perhaps an act of service) do you think God wants you to bring to him?

A Season of Restoration  1 / 2 Jan

Ezra 1:1-5 • Revd Canon Lewis Lew

Reflection Questions

1. While the Jews practicing Judaism were known to be religiously pious – they disobeyed the laws of Moses and fell away from Yahweh. That resulted in their physical exile for an extended period of time. What lessons can we learn from the Jews to keep our faith robust and strong?

2. God amazingly called the Jews to return to Jerusalem through a pagan king. Then rose up the heads of the fathers' houses of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and the Levites, everyone whose spirit God had stirred to go up to rebuild the house of the Lord that is in Jerusalem (Ezra. 1:5). A group of faithful people had responded to return to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. How are you responding to God’s call to ‘return to Jerusalem’ to rebuild His house?

3. Three things were shared as part of our first Vision Sunday series – return to our first love, strengthen our family, and revitalize our community life. Share what these three areas mean to you as an individual and as a family.