Why do we need to close the Nave?

All buildings require regular repairs and maintenance, this is no different with all our places of worship.  The original Cathedral building that we continue to use for worship was completed almost 160 years ago.  While there is on-going cyclical repainting and yearly maintenance and repair, the last major restoration works at Cathedral were carried out in the 1990s, to replace the roof.

In 2019, the AGM approved the budget for the overdue restoration of the Cathedral Nave including essential repairs.  The main restoration works at the Nave will cover the plaster and painting of the external and internal walls of the main building, as well as the transepts and various repairs and electrical works.  

As part of these works, the contractors will have to remove all the pews and furniture from the Nave, build full-height scaffolding both inside and outside the Nave, and excavate within the Nave to lay electrical cables.  All these works will have a significant impact on the use of the Nave, and the condition of the Nave during the restoration works will render it unsuitable and potentially even unsafe for worshippers.

Therefore, with prayerful consideration to the health and safety of all worshippers and to ensure that the restoration works are completed without incident and bearing in mind the need for the Cathedral to continue to observe the COVID19 Safe Management Measures, the PCC together with the Mandarin Congregation Church Council have decided that worship services will be held in alternative venues during the restoration period.  

The Nave will, therefore, be closed for restoration beginning January 2022.  

Where will services be held come 1 Jan 2022?

With the closure of the Nave, will the live-streaming of services (7:30am and 9:30am services) continue?

Live-streaming of the 7.30am and 9.30am services will continue at our YouTube channel until further notice.