Vicar Writes


5 Aug 2018

We had three very engaging events in the week that has passed.

Canon J. John was in town to encourage and inspire church pastors and leaders to prepare for next year’s Celebration of Hope (17-19 May). Those who attended the event on Tuesday were undoubtedly moved and reminded again of the importance of sharing the Gospel. A beautiful sponsored tent was set up to host the pastors’ luncheon.

The same tent was used for the Alpha Intro Dinner the next evening. 160 guests were present and it was a meaningful and highly enjoyable event. Please continue to pray that these guests will continue to attend the course and that new ones will join in as well. The small groups are being formed. As always, the small group experience is unique for first-time guests. The sharing, openness and meaningful discussions are indeed the highlights of the Course.

This is a little known fact: it is the guest’s experience of the church community which makes every course unique and effective. Or otherwise. The video talks do play a part in communicating the Gospel but it is the small groups that bear witness to the love and truth of Christ.

The third event was the fund-raising dinner for the Jurong Church Building project on 27 July.  50 tables were bought. The Mandarin and English congregations were well represented. Please continue to pray that land and facilities will become available soon.

Most theological and bible schools begin their academic year in July. Barnabas Sim and Christopher Ng (Acts Centre) have started their MDIv studies in Trinity Theological College (TTC), Yuri Seki as a full-time student and Moses Israeli (Myanmar Worship Service) already at mid-point of his TTC studies. Do keep them in your prayers.

Sometimes people ask: why spend three to four years learning from just one book (Bible)? There isn’t space here to explain in detail why church pastors and leaders - from ages past till now - have taken education seriously. Suffice for me to say here: “You will now know what you don’t know.” And it is not just about head knowledge, but good education should always lead to spiritual formation. The perplexities of life (which I just preached on  from the Book of Ecclesiastes) mean that Christian education need to go deeper and more foundational.

I should add that SAC is working hard at making theological and biblical education more accessible for lay Christians. It is a long term project and we praise the Lord that we are having a good start with the DCBS programme.

Another source of education is reading. For those interested in knowing more about the history and theological aspects of the Anglican Church, I will recommend “The SCM Study Guide on Anglicanism” by Stephen Spencer.  This book introduces the various facets of the Anglican Church as she evolves from the English Reformation in the 16th century. At our resource section in the Welcome Centre (Cafe), we also have carefully chosen books to help Christians to grow in their faith. Check it out.
Lastly, see you this week at our Solemn Assemblies, which begins on Sunday night at the Cathedral New Sanctuary. Let’s gather in the name of the Lord and join the wider
Body in praying for the nation.