Vicar Writes


24 May 2020

Even as we prepare for early June’s “unease easing of restrictions”, we are already planning ahead on how church life can be lived out during this Covid19 season which could go deep into 2021. June’s easing of restriction for private worship for a group of no more than five from the same household should best be seen as allowance for the household to pray in a sacred religious space. Gatherings “between households” are still not permitted and we have yet to hear from the authorities if these private worship gatherings can be facilitated by clergy or pastors.

What we should continue to do is to build up our online communication, worship and ministries. Traditional means like using the phone should continue as well. Connect and Ministry Groups are already actively engaging in online meetings and I want to encourage you to join one if you are not connected to any.

We are actively preparing to run our next DCBS courses online in July. The same goes for our Marriage Preparation Course, and our Baptism/ Confirmation and Anglicanism Courses. We are also working on new tools to allow for interactive discipleship and learning groups. We will be surprised how effective it can be to learn online together. I will venture to say that for some areas, online facilities can be even more effective.

The Cathedral SG Live Radio App has been useful for daily prayers during set times and we will continue to expand on this tool. We are now considering how additional morning slots can be added. Our Youtube channel will contain a repository of all our past Online Services which you can go back to from time to time. We will also post to the channel all previous videos of key events in our community life.

All audio sermons and podcasts can be accessed too via our website or our app. Please listen to them again and like a “living Word”, past sermons can speak afresh. Our website will contain sermons from a few years ago.

Note that we have started preparing for our AGM on the 28th of June at 1 pm. Virtual, of course. More information will be released soon.