Vicar Writes


24 Jan 2016
About 170 leaders gathered for a short two days Leaders Conference at Changi Cove last weekend. The theme for 2016, “Roots Down, Walls Down, Bridges Out” was introduced and reflected on. I share here a few highlights:

We were reminded again to be rooted in the same faith that we have received (Colossians 2:6). It is about the “long obedience in the same direction” and returning to our first love (Rev 2).

Small groups, especially Cell groups play a vital role in helping members in large urban churches to connect with one another, build community, study the Word and grow as disciples. In this new season, we are also broadening our definition of a Cell to allow for greater diversity as the needs of every member are not the same. This can help us to incorporate some existing discipleship or Bible study groups and to encourage different small group expressions.

We also began to discuss our ministries to Youth and Young Adults. The Saturday Youth Fellowship (LYnC) is now led by Kenneth Ernest and a refreshed team of leaders. Along with the spiritual needs of young adults, we are seeking the Lord for clarity as to whether new wineskins are needed as we seek to reach the youths and young adult of today.

I will find the time in subsequent Vicar Writes to keep you informed on these issues.

This year’s Annual General Meeting falls on 24th of April (Sunday). In a new season, we are endeavouring to do it a bit differently, especially in the way we communicate the vision and mission of the church. In the area of finance and governance issues, we are also seeking to create space for members to query and understand better the inner workings of the Cathedral. This mutual accountability and community ownership of our ministry here is vital. We also look forward to seeing more stepping up to serve in the various leadership teams and committees.